Travel Essentials

Going on vacation almost every year, and especially after our lost luggage mishap this past year (we arrived with no bags and almost boarded a cruise ship with no luggage!), I have come to learn what and what not to do when packing for a trip and what really are the travel essentials.

Let’s break down how to pack for your next trip!

I used to be this crazy over packer.  What if it rained every day or I didn’t feel like wearing that dress?  I would wear only half of what I packed and always struggled to make room for my extra shopping purchases (because of course we always outlet shop when we are down south!). Learning to pack smart has changed the way I travel and has made it so much less stressful.

You need a good carry on system.  This changes for me depending on the trip I take, but these two carry on items are ones I cannot live without.  I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share my Stella&Dot Getaway bag.  It is amazing how much this bag can fit (which means extra room for shopping!).

Travel Essentials l Katrina Gwen Rose

If I am getting away for a weekend trip I don’t bother checking a bag and pack everything in my rolling carry-on (similar to this one here, and I really love this one!).  It seems crazy, I know, but it can be done if you pack smart.  Plan your outfits before they hit your bag.  Stick with lots of neutrals and versatile pieces.  Wear that long tank to dinner with fab jewels and then knot it with your shorts the next day.  Go for neutral shoes that can be worn with multiple outfits (like these adorable wedges!)

If I am going away on a big trip, like our past cruise, the roll on bag becomes my back up suitcase (I clearly did not do that this time and totally regret it!).  Pack the essentials of what you would need – pants, shorts, a few tanks, a dress, bras & underwear, bathing suit and some shoes.  As my back-up bag, I tend to pack my fav items that I KNOW I will want, plus some basics that will get me through the trip (think mix&match outfits, neutral colours, plus jewels to change your look).  This bag doesn’t need to be opened throughout your travels.  It is simply an overflow of your regular suitcase.  Keep your makeup bag and laptop in your carry on bag to make security lines easier!

Now that you know how to pack let’s talk essentials.  The back up of key clothing pieces totally count as travel essentials, but what should you have in your carry on bag?

Travel Essentials l Katrina Gwen Rose

  • Chargers / earphones  – there is nothing worse than being stuck in an airport with 5% left on your phone.  Keep all your small pieces together in a little pouch so you can easily grab for them on the plane.
  • Lipgloss – Airports and airplanes always have such dry air that make your lips so chapped.  I am a blistex lover for serious moisture, but always have a few colours thrown in too because who doesn’t want an easy fresh look?!
  • Makeup – There is no one to impress while travelling, but it is refreshing to be able to fix up your make-up, get rid of that shiny skin, and even brighten up your eyes with a little mascara after a long trip.  I leave my full makeup bag in my luggage but throw some concealer, powder, blush and mascara in my carry-on.
  • Water Bottle – You can’t take it through security full, but once you get through, go fill it up at the nearest fountain.  With the dry air and dehydrated feeling that flying gives you – its essential to drink lots of water!
  • Notebook & pen – I love reading and always have a book or magazine thrown in my carry on, but I also like to pack a notebook and pen.  I do my best planning and organising sitting around in airports – maybe because there is nothing else to really do!
  • Snacks! – Travel days can be long and tiring and airport food is not always the best, especially when you have allergies or limitations in your diet.  Bring snacks – trail mix, granola bars, fruit snacks and protein bars.  I like to keep my bag organised so I keep these in a separate pouch as well!
  • Travel Documents – This one is obvious but having a designated place for those documents makes travelling so much easier.  I am going to be that crazy lady who says “There’s a pouch for that!”.  I like to keep all my documents (passports, boarding passes, itineraries, hotel confirmations…) all in one place so they don’t get lost, crumpled or thrown out by mistake.
  • Scarf of sweater – There is nothing worse than being cold on an airplane so I always pack an extra layer or something to cozy up in to keep warm.
  • Day purse – I like to travel with as little as possible to carry.  I know that you could probably cram all these essentials into your tote bag, but I use my Getaway bag and then slide in my cross body purse for when I arrive at my destination.

And just for fun, here is a peek at our vacation! Do you want to hear all about our cruise experience?  Let me know and maybe I will share a whole blog post on how to cruise 😉

Katrina Gwen Rose

NASA museum day

Museum day in Houston!

Hello to my new home!

Sunset by the sea

The first sunset!

Having fun in the Arcade

Zip Lining in Belize!

Who can resist a Mayan Chocolate Factory in Mexico!

Waking up to this every morning never got old!



    • Katrina Gwen
      February 27, 2018 / 8:11 am

      Thanks Ada! Can’t wait to check it out!

  1. February 23, 2018 / 6:17 pm

    I’ll never forget when we lost our luggage and I learned no matter how long or where we were going that it HAS to be carry on. Like no exceptions! I love the elephant bag!

    • Katrina Gwen
      February 27, 2018 / 8:10 am

      It is a hard lesson! I never imagined I would lose it but will always pack a carry-on back up from now on!!

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