Smile Brilliant Review – At Home Teeth Whitening

*Smile Brilliant sent me a whitening kit to try for free.  This review is my honest opinion on their products!*

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my InstaStory about my collaboration with Smile Brilliant where I stumbled over my words, chatting about the products while I had the whitening trays in.  Now that I have finished my whitening I wanted to share with you all my thoughts and experience!  **Make sure you make it to the end because I am giving away a whitening kit to one lucky follower!!


I always smile with my teeth and, after 4.5 yrs of braces (thanks mom & dad), they are almost perfectly straight (I was a kid and thought wearing my retainer after was un-cool).  They have never, by any means, been yellow or heavily stained, although I am a frequent tea drinker.  That being said, I have always been interested in trying out whitening trays.  I wanted teeth that didn’t have to be whitened in an app!  I know, totally vain!  


I had tried white stripes when I was a teenager but the struggle of keeping them on and not swallowing the slimy, sour tasting gel had me tossing them aside so quickly.  Fast forward ten years and I decided to treat myself on my cruise vacation to their 60 minute LED whitening treatment.  It was fast, didn’t taste horrible and I was pretty impressed with the results but my gums were really sore after and took a week or so to feel better.   


When Smile Brilliant reached out about trying their products to review I was actually really excited.  Being the ever-optimist, I was up for giving whitening another try!  


The first package that arrived was the mixture to create my impressions.  It was really easy to do – although I was laughing at myself the whole time because it is not the prettiest sight and may or may not have been accompanied by a few drooly moments.  Within 10 minutes the templates were done!  They send you a package to slip them into to toss in the mail.  If you are from Canada there is a small $10 mailing fee to send them back.   


A couple weeks later the actual trays came in the mail and they fit perfectly.  Now it was onto the whitening!  

 Smile Brilliant Review l Katrina Gwen Rose


It says on the package to whiten for 45 mins – 3 hours, followed by the desensitising gel (two separate syringes that you are provided).  I was a little nervous about tooth sensitivity the first time so I kept the whitening trays in for 25 minutes.  It takes a while to get used to the feeling of the trays.  The first time I had them in I was nervous to talk, to swallow, to really open my mouth very much at all.  As I continued to whiten, the trays became so normal.  I didn’t feel like I was drooling, I could carry on a conversation and I could wear them during my daily routine ( I even had them on at work one day while talking to patients!).  I would often whiten while I was getting ready in the morning, on my drive to work, or just before bed.   Because the trays were specially made they always stayed in place and the only time I tasted the gel was once when I was taking them out (it was a little sour, but went away as soon I rinsed my mouth).  By the 3rd treatment I noticed a little sensitivity in my teeth (I had left the trays on for 2 hrs that time!) but just took a few days break and used the desensitising gel during those days. 

 Smile Brilliant Review l Katrina Gwen Rose

It didn’t take very long to start noticing the brightness.  Like I said before, my teeth were not very stained to begin with, but I felt like each time I took the trays out they seemed brighter.  The package came with a handful of syringes of whitening gel and I made it just past 1 full tube before I was happy with my results.  I will use the rest as regular maintenance because I am not willing to give up all things that may stain my teeth in the future (I have a 3 yr old remember…I need ALL the caffeine I can get my hands on!) 


This is my before and after.  Now it was challenging to get the same lightening in both pictures, but they aren’t retouched in any way (although my breakouts on my chin were conveniently cropped out! haha).  I can notice a big difference in the brightness of my teeth.  Like I said, they were never really stained previously so I wasn’t expecting a huge change in colour, but the brightness it was really impacted me.

I am really impressed with the system from Smile Brilliant!  I love that I have lots of gel left over to maintain the whiteness whenever I feel it is needed and even if I run out, they sell just the whitening and desensitising gel alone to stock up on. 

I want to share my love for the product so I teamed up with Smile Brilliant to give one lucky follower their own kit!  All you have to do is follow this link and enter!  The draw is open for 2 weeks, so share with any friends or family who may love a chance to get their teeth brilliantly white!

Katrina Gwen Rose

How Much Is Teeth Whitening



  1. March 12, 2018 / 12:02 pm

    Wow! I see a difference! This looks like a great product! Thanks for sharing!

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 14, 2018 / 11:41 am

      It really is! I was impressed with the results and with the quality of the trays!

  2. March 13, 2018 / 12:24 pm

    A teeth whitening sesh now and again is SO necessary! Happy Tuesday, sista!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 14, 2018 / 11:42 am

      With all the tea and chocolate in my life, those words couldn’t be truer! haha

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