Know Your Worth

Regardless if you are a fellow blogger, a mom, a full time career woman or anyone else for that matter, one of the most important things you can do in your life is to know your worth.  It is a topic that I hear over and over again in the blogging world but I believe it relates to all of us.  I am sharing my top 3 tips on how to know and value your own worth!

I know the guac is extra, but so am I!

1 – Stop Comparing!

This is a big one is the world of social media.  You open your phone and scroll through beautifully curated photos of peoples lives and instantly you feel like they all have it together.   Meanwhile you are sitting in your hot mess of a house in your sweatpants and day 4 hair.  (I didn’t just guess that, that has been me!)  Do you ever remember your parents saying “just worry about yourself” when you were a child and upset because Sarah got the bigger piece of cake?  That is the exact advice we need now as adults!

We don’t know what goes on behind those perfect pictures.  We don’t know the struggles that mom had when her toddler had a meltdown in the middle of the grocery store.  We don’t know how many times that blogger was told “no” before she finally hit her first branded partnership.  So stop comparing! Know your worth! You are so important, so fabulous, and SO worthy of things no matter how many times you yelled at your kid yesterday, no matter what brand of clothes you are wearing or no matter how many followers you have on social media.  You are enough just as you are.


2 – Say NO

Okay, I don’t mean say no all the time.  But be okay with saying no! When you know your worth, your time and energy become valuable.  Got invited to a shower but you really just need some quiet time?  Say sorry you can’t make it, send along a card or a gift and enjoy that glorious, quiet, cup of tea.  Got offered to collaborate with a brand who is asking for 2 blog posts, 6 IG posts and all your photos for use?  Say thank you so much for thinking of me but I am going to have to pass.  Or better yet go back to them with an offer that YOU feel is worth your time and effort!  Saying “NO” doesn’t have to be rude.  It is simply setting boundaries for yourself and for others to not stomp on your worth!


3 – Accept the compliment

When someone compliments you, don’t just brush it off.  Graciously accept it!  Know your worth!  When you brush off a compliment you are doing a disservice to two people.  First of all you are telling the person that they shouldn’t believe in you or your abilities.  Secondly you are telling yourself that you, your work, or your talent is not important.  You have worked your butt off to get where you are in life.  You have gone through the craziness of motherhood.  You have put yourself out there for new job opportunities.  You have spent countless hours learning about widgets and collabs and how to edit photos.  Accept those kind words because you deserve them!



You know my love for a graphic tee and this one is just perfect for our conversation today! That guac may be extra, but so are you!

Katrina Gwen Rose

I am so excited to collaborate with ilivluvshop!  They have the cutest and funniest graphic tees & tanks.  Plus, they are a mama-owned small shop who clearly knows their worth as they share their adorable styles with us!


Another exciting mentioned – I get to co-host this weeks linkup with Carrie from CurlyCraftyMom for her Thursday fashion Files.  Check out her blog, and drop your own link here! Then hop around to meet some other fab bloggers!

Follow Carrie :
Bloglovin’FacebookTwitterInstagramGoogle+Pinterest, SnapChat: @curlycraftymom
and Katrina:
Link Up Guidelines:
1. Feel free to grab our button to display on your blog sidebar. Help spread the word and share about our link up community.
2. **By adding your links, you are stating that you have the proper licensing/rights to the images in your blog posts.**





  1. July 6, 2018 / 11:37 pm

    Could you be any cuter with that guacamole and printed tee? This post is so valuable, I couldn’t agree with saying no more often. Or asking for more of what you are worth with collabs! Thank you for co-hosting for TFF! 🙂


  2. Shauna
    July 9, 2018 / 11:31 pm

    You know I LOVE this message!! And I agree – it’s so hard not to play the comparison game…I’m so guilty of doing it every single day. And I know better!! 🙂


    • Katrina Gwen
      July 17, 2018 / 9:29 am

      We ALL are guilty of it! It comes so naturally and can get us so down. That is why I try to talk about collaborating not competing. There is a place for all of us to bring something unique to the table!

  3. July 12, 2018 / 12:01 pm

    This is such a great read dear. And I completely agree with you, especially on saying no from time to time.

    Jessica |

    • Katrina Gwen
      July 17, 2018 / 9:25 am

      Thanks Jessica. It can be hard because I think we often try to please everyone and it can be hard to remember to please ourselves as well.

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