How to tie a blanket scarf – Part 2

Part 2

Ok, so you had a taste of how to tie that blanket scarf in Part 1. (Missed it?  Take a peek!)  There are seriously MORE ways to wear that gorgeous fall accessory.  To make it fun I pulled out another fun print that I bought this season.  blanket scarves are just so versatile (obviously, if we need two parts to show you!) so I just had to have a few in different prints and colours.  I am a lover of blush, mauve, and burgundy…so basically any version of pink! When I saw this scarf I knew I just HAD to have it.

I will link some more scarf options below for you to shop!  If you are local, or in Canada, check out Envy for a great selection.  I also found a GREAT Canadian online shop with a few lovely prints.

So, let’s get to it and see a few more ways to work that blanket scarf!


The Classic…again

  Just to make sure you remember the basics, lets start with the classic again.  Fold that scarf into a triangle and hold each end.

how to tie a blanket scarf - the elegant bib

Wrap the ends around your shoulders creating a bib

how to tie a blanket scarf for fall

Give those ends a tug and adjust it how you like!  I like to make sure the fringe ends are showing for some great to tie a blanket scarf with katrina gwen rose


The Elegant Bib

     Fold your scarf into a triangle and grab each end.
 how to tie a blanket scarf - the elegant bib
     Hold it in front of you like a bib and wrap the ends around.
how to tie a blanket scarf with katrina gwen rose - the elegant bib
     Take each end and tuck it inside the neck opening.
how to tie a blanket scarf - hte elegant bib - tuck in the ends
     Tug the ends until it fits right.

how to tie a blanket scarf - the elegant bib finished look

The Pull Through

     Fold your scarf into a triangle and grab each end (ok…you know this by now!)
     Fold again so the ends are together in one hand.
how to tie a blanket scarf - fold in half - katrina gwen rose
     Put your hand in through the bib-end and wrap around you.
how to tie a blanket scarf -the pull through
     Grab the two loose ends and pull through.
 how to tie a blanket scarf - the pull through finished look

The Vest with a twist!

  Remember the vest from part 1?
how to tie a blanket scarf with Katrina gwen rose
     Take the vest and fan out the ends.
     Wrap them around your body for more coverage.
how to tie a blanket scarf for Fall
     Pin it with a broach.
OR Try it with a belt!
(don’t pay attention to the terrible squinting…it has been SO overcast but bright out its a killer on the eyes!)
I hope you give these a try and find a few of your favourite ways to rock that blanket scarf this season!  And if you have any fun ways that I DIDN’T show, let me know in the comments.

Katrina Gwen Rose



  1. September 24, 2017 / 1:14 pm

    I never knew there were so many ways to tie a scarf! Usually I just pull it around my neck and hope I don’t choke myself! Thanks for sharing!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • Katrina Gwen
      October 17, 2017 / 12:48 pm

      Isn’t it crazy? And some people are even more creative with weaving their scarves around! It makes it fun to wear one accessory so many ways.

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