How To Overhaul Your Closet

So a couple weeks ago I talked about keeping your wardrobe on budget with each season change (missed it? Check it out here!).  I mentioned how I clean out my closet at the start of the season to organise my wardrobe, but how do I do that?  I am here to share those tips with you!

Get ready because spring is here and it is time to overhaul your closet!

Your closet is more than just a storage room for your clothes.  It is a place to find inspiration! It should look great and be organised.  Both of those will lead you a better mood when trying to create a great outfit to wear! Treat yourself to a closet makeover.

1 – Take everything out!

When you really want to overhaul your closet the best way to start is to take everything out.  This may seem a little crazy, and I admit it took me a while to actually do it, but this is the BEST way to really go through your wardrobe.  An empty closet is like a blank canvas with SO much potential!  I pile all my clothes on my bed so I can sort through them one by one.

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

2 – Invest in good hangers!

Okay, this one may seem silly but I can promise you it makes a difference.  Don’t you love that feeling when you shop at a boutique and everything in hung on gorgeous wood hangers?  Until about 3 months ago I had a hot mess of a hanger collection.  Most were plastic and they were all sorts of colours.  We were putting our house on the market so I wanted every room to look its best, including the closets.  I ran out and bought beautiful felt hangers (at walmart! Nowhere fancy!) and switched them out.  It made SUCH a difference I will never go back!  Everything lines up so its calming and appealing to the eye.

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

3 – PURGE!

This is the hard part!  Go through each item before you put it back in your closet and ask yourself these questions:
* Does it make me feel great?
* Would I buy this if I was shopping right now?
* Does this piece have purpose / does it blend with my wardrobe?
* What outfits can I create with this piece?

The idea of these questions it to take away the sentimental value of those pieces and realistically think if they truly deserve a spot in your closet!  Why hold onto a top if it doesn’t make you feel fabulous?  If you wouldn’t purchase this piece right now, what purpose is it serving you?  This is the key to overhaul your closet!

As crazy as it may sound, I would much rather a closet with fewer pieces in them that I LOVE to wear than a closet full of pieces that don’t make me feel the best.

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

4 – Get rid of it!

I am guilty of putting those “toss” items in a bag off to the side, only to dig through it later in hopes of finding a lost gem.  I can promise you that it will feel better once you let it go 100%.  So start selling! List your pieces on a buy&sell page or have a Facebook clothing sale!  This is money that you can then use to reinvest into your wardrobe for new pieces that you want.

Or plan a clothing swap with your girlfriends, and their girlfriends!  Everyone brings 15 pieces they want to get rid of (that are still in style and in great shape) and you can “shop” for new-to-you pieces!

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

5 – Make it pretty!

The goal of a huge closet is not to fill it to the brim with clothing, but to use it as a space to store your clothing and accessories while inspiring you to create endless outfits you love.  So make it pretty!  I left space in my closet for my daily jewels.  A spot that I could take them off at the end of the night and not have them all over my bathroom vanity.

Add a full length mirror so you can try outfits and see right away if you like them or not.

Organise your clothes as you put them back.  I hung all my camis and tanks together on the top rail, while the tees and long sleeves were on the bottom.  Cardis, dresses and jackets were all hung on the opposite side.

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

How To Overhaul Your Closet l Katrina Gwen Rose

5 – Fill the gaps!

Go back to my post on keeping your wardrobe on budget and read up on how to fill the gaps in your closet now that you have purged!

Are you ready to overhaul your closet for spring now?

Katrina Gwen Rose



  1. May 17, 2018 / 12:08 pm

    I love your tips, lady! I do a closet cleanout 2x a year when I switch seasons- great time to edit, donate old/unworn stuff, and refresh!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 12:48 pm

      I need to do it more often for sure!! It feels SO good to purge.

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 12:48 pm

      haha We all get to that point!! But it sure does feel good to reset my wardrobe and really clean it out!

  2. May 18, 2018 / 9:35 am

    This is something I so badly need to do. My kids would be laying in piles of clothes!

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:08 pm

      haha!! It feels so good, and can totally be fun for the kids to play in! a win win!

  3. May 18, 2018 / 3:01 pm

    Getting rid of it is the motto, we have so many things that we don’t use so we often take the opportunity to give to charity, so others can use and shine 😀

    Patricia & Miguel

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:09 pm

      Yes that is so true!! Why hoard it if someone else could love it and use it?

  4. May 18, 2018 / 5:33 pm

    I just did an overhaul, I actually do it every season before I box things up. Getting rid of things is hard for me. Growing up we kept everything and passed it on to siblings, but I’ve learned that it’s okay to not wear something until it has holes or is stained.

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:14 pm

      I used to have a hard time letting go too! But it really does feel great. I either sell it to reinvest into my wardrobe again or donate it!

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:25 pm

      Elena, I can totally relate! Sometimes I can feel so attached and feel like I need to keep everything. I totally have to be in a cleaning mode to really overhaul my closet!

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:25 pm

      Oh Heather I am so glad they can help!! Let me know how it goes. I always feel so much lighter when my closet is clean and I actually find getting dressed and creating outfits so much easier.

  5. May 19, 2018 / 12:39 pm

    Love a good purge. Such great tips and you’re right those slim huggable hanger make such a difference.

    Jessica xo
    the way to my Hart

    • Katrina Gwen
      May 23, 2018 / 2:29 pm

      They are such a small change but they have made such a big difference!! Plus I love how my tanks no long side right off!

  6. May 21, 2018 / 2:59 pm

    I SO needed to read this post today! I am staring at my closet and determined today to do a full closet overhaul!
    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

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