Dry Shampoo – My lifeline!

Dry shampoo is my life!

Okay so that may sound a little dramatic, but I know there are some of you out there who have my back!  Mom or not, sometimes you just don’t have the time to wash, blow dry, and style your hair (or just don’t have the energy?! Guilty!).  Whoever invented this beautiful magic-in-a-bottle deserves a standing ovation, along with the crazy money they must be making because, seriously, who doesn’t use it?
There are SO many brands and styles of dry shampoo out there it can be hard to decide which one to try.  Fear not, I am here to share with you some of my favs!

1 – LUSH No Drought is a great powder dry shampoo.

Lush No Drought review by Katrina gwen rose

A natural based powder with a great light scent, it does a great job at absorbing that oil and giving you a fresh tousled look, especially when used before bed.  A big perk about LUSH No Drought, or even any powder dry shampoo, is that it lasts SO long.  I had my bottle for months – but I can go through a can of spray dry shampoo in a few weeks.  Having dark hair, I didn’t find it left too much white residue, but I will say that it doesn’t have the greatest bottle for application.  It can come out very quickly as you squeeze the bottle leaving you, your outfit, and your counter top quite powdery.  It is easy to use too much, which leads to a feeling of build-up in your hair. Maybe they will change the lip to a salt&pepper shaker style (or you can even make a quick DIY version!).  I recommend pouring the powder into your hands and then massaging it in where you need it to get an even application.  A little blow dry action helps work the powder in and gives you a freshly washed look!


2 – Next up is Cake – the “Do Gooder”.

Cake dry shampoo review by katrina gwen rose

 First of all, how cute is this bottle? I love a company that has great marketing but also has a great stance on quality.  Cake is very open about its Cruelty Free & Vegan products.  AND it was created in Canada!  Aside from the company facts, this product is great.  I got it as a part of my Swag Bag on my annual Stella & Dot Conference and was SO excited to try it.  It doesn’t leave a white streak and doesn’t have an overpowering alcohol scent to it like a lot of other dry shampoo sprays.  I would absolutely buy this one again.  They have the spray (which I have used) and a powder (which also comes in a dark tone for my fellow brunettes!)  You can always shop Cake online but I found it fully stocked at my local Shoppers Drug Mart.

3 – A Sephora find that I picked up this weekend is Living Proof.

living proof dry shampoo review

I was browsing through the store one day and overheard a training session with the staff about this product and I just had to try it.  It was actually developed by bio-med scientists! Spray it in, let is sit for 30 seconds to allow the powders to work their magic, and shake it out!  It really does give great volume and a lightweight feel to your hair as it absorbs all that oil.  AND my hair never felt heavy or full of any product build-up.  My only downside to this product was the scent.  The scent was a little strong and lasted all day – which is actually highlighted in their info.  It is meant to give you a fresh scent that is time-releasing all day long.  I work at a hospital so I am used to very little scents and this one was just a little too strong for me.  As for the product itself though, it worked beautifully!  If a fresh scent doesn’t scare you away, this would be my #1 pick!

4 – You can’t resist the smell of OXQ Argan Oil by Morocco

A great find from your local Shoppers Drug Mart, Target or Walmart, I am in love with the beachy scent this dry shampoo gives off.  Plus, it doesn’t spray in white like others.  Even with my dark hair, it seems to have a clear spray that gives instant lift and volume to your 3 day old hair.  This may be my new everyday product because the scent is nice but not overpowering and it doesn’t leave any heavy residue in your hair!


5 – Batiste is one of the most popular brands I run into for dry shampoo.

Batiste dry shampoo review

With an easy aerosol application and a great price, this one is pretty high on my list.  (You can even find it at Costco!)  What I really like about Batiste is that they have a range of tones – High fives to my brunette friends!  I get frustrated with the constant white clumps that dry shampoos can leave in my hair.  I know they are usually pretty easy to shake out, but let’s be honest for a minute – I am using dry shampoo because I have no time!   I spray, do a quick shake and fluff, sometimes throw in a few curls or even just a hair clip and go.  Then sigh when I go to put on my lip gloss in the rear-view mirror and notice a big white patch in the side of my hair.
So I thought I would try theHint of Color in Beautiful Brunette.  Guys, this is AMAZING! It sprayed in brown! Same product, same amazing ability to absorb the oil and leave my hair fresh looking, AND no white streaks! If you are a brunette and haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it!

I hope you can find a great dry shampoo that you love from these recommendations.  If you have an even better one NOT on this list, let me know! I would love to try it.


Katrina Gwen Rose


Linking up with StraightAStyle  l  SincerelyJennaMarie  l



  1. Carissa
    March 6, 2018 / 1:09 pm

    Okay now which one do I need. Maybe I’ll have to try one of each. I haven’t tried any of these. No satisfied with my current one. Loved my previous which I can’t even ever the name or brand but it was for brunette hair. I need a new one fast. My vegan hippy dippy one does nothing!

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 6, 2018 / 2:19 pm

      I vote trying the Argan Oil one first! A great price, a light scent, and no white gunk in your gorgeous brown hair!

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 7, 2018 / 8:08 am

      I couldn’t survive without it! Well, I could but I would look like a hot mess more often! haha

  2. March 7, 2018 / 10:21 am

    I have to admit that I don’t know anything about dry shampoo and have yet to master the art of skipping washes. It’s probably because I’ve only tried formulas that left white patches in my hair. I’ll have to try some of the brunette friendly options you shared and the blow dry trick!

    pumps and push-ups

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 9, 2018 / 9:16 am

      The blow drying really helped me when I was getting used to dry shampoo. It worked the product in and really gave me life and volume back into my hair. Once you start skipping washes your hair will naturally adjust and you’ll find it less greasy!

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 9, 2018 / 9:17 am

      You are right, I was so impressed with the price of Batiste! The Argan Oil by OXG was actually a little less and just as great! I love inexpensive options, especially when I go through it so quickly.

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 9, 2018 / 9:18 am

      I couldn’t agree more! Whoever thought of it is just brilliant! I mean, baby powder only helped so much, I owe a lot to the invention of dry shampoo.

  3. March 8, 2018 / 3:12 pm

    Oh my god! Batiste is my ride or die. I buy it in bulk constantly!

    • Katrina Gwen
      March 9, 2018 / 9:19 am

      Yes! I love how I found it at Costco last time too – 2 big bottles plus a great travel size is just what I needed!

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