Cheers to a new adventure – Making my entrance into the blogging world!

Alright, so here we are! My very first blog post and I admit, I am kind of nervous.  I mean, sure I love style and think I am pretty fashion savvy.  And I am the first to tell a friend (or even a stranger) about a great sale, the greatest book I have read or even a delicious recipe I have stumbled across – but for some reason it seems a little daunting sharing it to the whole world! I am, after all, just a regular 30 something mom looking to find a great lipstick and dry shampoo, not anyone fancy,
Nerves aside, I really am excited to start this adventure.  Blogging has been something I have dreamed about for awhile now…and researched a little bit (seriously, who knew what a Widget was?!).  I don’t promise to have to most trendy, hot-off-the-runway styles for you or to even post everyday.  But I can promise you my favourite styles, trends, products with a little bit of my everyday mom life mixed in.
So here is a cheers to new adventures, to stepping out of your comfort zone, to learning new things, and to doing something a little bit scary each day!
I hope you enjoy it here.
Check out my “Why I Blog” page to find out a little more about me.


Katrina Gwen Rose

1 Comment

  1. Chantal
    August 23, 2017 / 6:58 pm

    You rock, girl! So proud of you and excited to read along on your adventure. Oh, and when you find THE ONE (red lipstick) please share – in dying for a great new shade. 😉

    xo C

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