Anniversary Staycation

This month my husband and I celebrate our 4th anniversary.  It is crazy to think that four years have already gone by, but then again it also feels like it has been so many more.  We take turns planning our…

5 Things I Never Leave the House Without

Are there things you just can’t live without?  Like, not even for a quick outing?  There are a handful of things that I just can’t leave the house without and I am sharing them with you here!  You may chuckle…

Smile Brilliant Review – At Home Teeth Whitening

*Smile Brilliant sent me a whitening kit to try for free.  This review is my honest opinion on their products!* If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my InstaStory about my collaboration with Smile Brilliant where I stumbled over…

How To Pick the Perfect Lipstick

Who else has found themselves wanting the perfect lipstick colour but standing in front of the lip counter overwhelmed by all the choices?  It can be such a daunting task to find that perfect colour.  Even more so when the…

Dry Shampoo – My lifeline!

Dry shampoo is my life! Okay so that may sound a little dramatic, but I know there are some of you out there who have my back!  Mom or not, sometimes you just don’t have the time to wash, blow…

FabFitFun Review

Happy Sunday friends and welcome to the Sunday Coffee Stop!  This week I wanted to bring you a review that I have been really excited about.  I have been hearing so much about the FabFitFun boxes for over a year…

Travel Essentials

Going on vacation almost every year, and especially after our lost luggage mishap this past year (we arrived with no bags and almost boarded a cruise ship with no luggage!), I have come to learn what and what not to…

Talks that Inspire

Turning 30 has brought a shift in my life.  I am not sure if it really is the age, the lifestyle I am living, or just the timing, but I started to get hungry for some real life, real inspiring,…

Spice up your date night

Have you made your date night plans for Valentine’s Day?  Are you stuck on what to do for that special someone? Regardless of it you celebrate Valentine’s day or not, I am here to share with you some fun ideas…

How To : Rock your flat lay!

It is a new year and a new schedule here at KatrinaGwenRose and I am excited to bring you some fun content! When I first started blogging, or even entered the IG world, I was so in awe of the…

Back at it!

Hey guys.  Thanks so much for following along at KatrinaGwenRose.  It has been such a fun adventure setting up this blog and having a creative outlet.  I have been totally MIA since the holidays and have been doing a little…

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