5 Birthday Gift Ideas for any 5 Year Old

I can’t believe that Harper will be turning 5! I know every parent tells you it goes so fast, but my goodness does it ever. She has grown into her own little person full of personality and sass and I…

20 Intentions for 2020

Can you believe we are about to ring in a new year? 2019 seemed to fly by and was filled with so much joy, adventure, friendships and love. Even still, I know 202 is going to be even better! I…

NYC – What to Pack & Where to Go

Welcome to New York, welcome to New York… Does anyone else immediately hear Taylor swift when you think of the big city? No? Maybe I am just exposing my girly, pop loving self. Either way, after dreaming of NYC for…

My favourite home decor

Staycation Celebration

A weekend filled with awesome ways to celebrate while staying local! We celebrated my hubby’s 40th birthday with a staycation and had the BEST weekend here in Halifax.

Top 5 Fall Festivities

There is nothing more exciting than embracing all the fun festivities fall brings!  Okay, well, maybe keeping it beach weather all year round would be exciting too.  But, if we are going to have 4 seasons, we may as well…

My Story in Choosing Joy

Everyone has a story, a past, an event that has shaped them in some way.  Today I am sharing my story.  I use this tiny corner of the internet to share fun style tips and moments of my life as…

My go-to closet pieces

Family Weekend Adventure

Long weekends always get me excited and we just got off of one!  It was Natal Day here in Nova Scotia (it’s called something different in every province just to confuse people!) and, although there were SO many celebrations going…

5 Easy Ways to go Green

I am no green activist, but I do recognise the impact that our lifestyle has on the world, the environment and our bodies.  I am slowly starting to be more conscious of the products I use.  Limiting harsh chemicals, finding…

Know Your Worth

Regardless if you are a fellow blogger, a mom, a full time career woman or anyone else for that matter, one of the most important things you can do in your life is to know your worth.  It is a…

The Best Mind and Body Workout

If you would have asked me my thoughts on Yoga 5 years ago I would have shrugged my shoulders and said that stretching doesn’t seem like much of a workout! My mind quickly changed after my first yoga class and…

How To Stage your Home

This past season has been a little crazy in our house.  We staged and listed our home,  sold it in 18 days, signed a contract to build our dream home and spent countless hours picking out all the perfect pieces.…

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