Back at it!

Hey guys.  Thanks so much for following along at KatrinaGwenRose.  It has been such a fun adventure setting up this blog and having a creative outlet.  I have been totally MIA since the holidays and have been doing a little re-organzing in my house, in my life and in my blog.

  So starting NOW I am back at it and I have a new schedule launch!

I will be posting 3 times a week and will be sharing a ton of fun info on style and on life in general.  I started this blog as a way to connect with others, to be more than just a mom, and to really encourage my inner self to push past my comfort zone and to grow.  Each week will be filled with fun topics that range from my favourite style trends, how to rock that date night, and more personal information about me and my life.  I am excited to continue this journey and to really have fun with it.

Make sure to subscribe below so you can follow along each week for Style Tip Tuesdays, How To Thursdays and Sunday Coffee Stop.

Of course, I want to know hear from you too! If there are any questions you have or any ideas on posts that you would love to read, let me know! I am the first one to admit that I am no life or style guru, I am just a 30 something mom doing her best to love her family, to navigate motherhood and to enjoy a little style while doing it.

Katrina Gwen Rose



  1. February 9, 2018 / 6:58 am

    Great! And welcome back lovely. <3 Looking forward to all your posts and I really enjoyed the flatlay post – I want more! 🙂

    Xo, Sara |

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