5×5 Style Challenge – Fall to Winter

It is time again for another 5×5 style challenge.  I love to do these style challenges when the seasons change because I always struggle to make the wardrobe switchover without feeling like I just want to buy everything brand new.  We just had a major temperature drop and it is starting to feel like winter is very near.  Sweaters and scarves have taken over my wardrobe and I feel like I am stuck in the same ol’ wardrobe rut.  I found a great mix of new and old pieces for this 5×5 challenge and am so excited pair them all together.

Follow along all week on Instagram to see how myself and a handful of other awesome style babes make the most of our wardrobe by using 5 pieces to create 5 unique looks.  They will give you some serious style inspiration!  And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog so you can see the whole look in more detail right here!

Today is a holiday Monday and I was so happy to see the sun shine!  The temperature got up to 7 degrees, which meant it was time to pull my dress from my pile of items.  I love how dresses can add so much versatility in your wardrobe (just wait for later this week – you are going to see this one a few times!)  Since it is fall, I grabbed for my ankle booties and cardigan to finish the look.  A simple tshirt dress is so easy to dress up or down (I wore this dress with stripy heels to a wedding last summer!) and it was the perfect outfit for running errands!  With the sun going down so early and our limited hours of light, I managed to snap these during the gorgeous golden hour – just as I was running to the grocery store!

5x5 style challenge l Katrina Gwen Rose 5x5 style challenge l Katrina Gwen Rose

5x5 style challenge l Katrina Gwen Rose 5x5 style challenge l Katrina Gwen Rose 5x5 style challenge l Katrina Gwen Rose

I can’t wait for the other looks this week, so stay tuned!  These style challenges seriously get me excited about getting dressed each day.  I mean, who doesn’t enjoy having their outfits planned out and making your mornings that much easier?

Don’t wanna risk missing a post?  Subscribe to KatrinaGwenRose below with your email address and get notified with each new post!

Katrina Gwen Rose


Shop my look here:

Essential Fringe Necklace


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