20 Intentions for 2020

Can you believe we are about to ring in a new year? 2019 seemed to fly by and was filled with so much joy, adventure, friendships and love. Even still, I know 202 is going to be even better! I recently changed my view on New Years Resolutions and, instead, set intentions.

Resolutions often focus on changing the bad stuff like “I’ll stop eating junk food” or “I’m going to lose xx pounds”. Intentions, however, are goals or mindsets that you want to bring into the new year. They don’t carry a chance of failure because they are an on-going goal on how you want to live your life. So I am sharing 20 intentions to give you some inspiration for what YOU want to set for 2020.

  1. To enjoy the small things in life
    You know the “stop and smell the roses” saying? Why not implement it? Set the intention to notice the small joys in life.
  2. To take more time for yourself / selfcare
    It can be as simple as sitting alone with a cup of tea, doing a face mask, or reading a good book. Give yourself some love this year.
  3. To let go of anger or things I cannot control
    We can spend so much energy on being upset. Why not set the intention to let go of the negativity and try to forgive faster
  4. To laugh more
    Everyone could use a little more laughter in their lives
  5. To stand up for yourself and say yes / no more often
    Join more activities or say yes to new adventures! Or even the opposite – acknowledge your time and say no to things that would cause more stress or anxiety.
  6. To try new things
    Test out a new recipe. Take a walk on a new trail. Set the intention this year to be a little more adventurous with your life.
  7. To enjoy the quiet moments
    Not every moment has to be wild. Take the time to sit and soak in the quiet. Sometimes it’s in those moments you can think the clearest!
  8. To communicate better with others
    Why not try and communicate better this year. It can be in your romantic relationships, with your family or even with strangers.
  9. To cultivate an attitude of gratitude
    Some people love to make a list each morning of 5 things they are grateful for. Or even try to think of 1 thing that day you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be life-changing. It could be as small as the hot cup of coffee in your hands.
  10. To listen to what your body needs
    This doesn’t mean get fit and loses weight. Instead, set the intention to listen to your body. Does it need more rest? Does it need healthy food? Does it need a chocolate bar?
  11. To be more active
    Instead of going crazy at the gym for the first 10 days of 2020 and leaving it at that, set your intention to simply be more active. That could mean taking the stairs at work. Or walking the dog in the evenings. Go out sledding with your family!
  12. To lead by example
    Do you want your child to know how to apologize? Make sure you say sorry to them too when you get upset. Put in the effort at work like you would want if it was your company.
  13. To allow more creativity
    My daughter has taught me this one. As adults we leave behind our creative imagination and become more logical. Set the intention to bring back those creative feels. Think outside of the box. Play pretend. Cultivate moments in your life where you are allowed to think up wild ideas.
  14. To be more playful
    Don’t you love the joy of a child? It is because they are so playful. So go dance in the rain. Roll down a hill. Get into a tickle fight. Get a nerf gun and have an all out war with your family after work.
  15. To see the good
    It can be easy to assume that someone did something intentional to make you mad. Set your intention this year to change those words in your head to think they everyone is doing the best they can.
  16. To be open to success
    This may sound funny because don’t we all want to succeed? But sometimes we are closed to many opportunities. Why not set your intention this year to be open to success and abundance. To see and go after the opportunities that will propel you forward, even if they seem scary.
  17. To make someone else smile
    Setting intentions for yourself is a great way to bring joy into your life, but what about someone else life? Maybe this year you can intend on doing one thing a day that makes someone else smile.
  18. To accept yourself
    We all work hard to get to where we want in life. Often times that comes with failure here and there. A great intention for 2020 is to work your buns off, but with the knowledge that you are accepted and loved no matter the outcome.
  19. To be reliable
    Do you want to watch your friendships and relationships grow? Set your intention to be the kind of person others can rely on.
  20. To dance like no one is watching
    I know, this one sounds cheesy but there is a reason it is such a popular saying. You can literally dance if you want to, but beyond that , live your life with no shame. Be bold. Be authentically you without apologizing for it!

Cheers to a new year, to new adventures, and to new intentions!

Katrina Gwen Rose

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20 intentions for the new year


  1. January 1, 2020 / 7:12 pm

    Absolutely wonderful intentions and I agree, an intention is much better than a resolution! Letting go of anger and negativity and things I can’t control – so hard but one I’m constantly working on. And to see the good – definitely going to be putting that at the top of my list! Thanks so much for sharing this list and here’s hoping that you’re successful with all of your New Year Intentions.


  2. Lucy
    January 2, 2020 / 10:16 am

    Happy New Year!
    Only happiness for 2020
    May it be as conducive to the realization of all your projects…


  3. January 6, 2020 / 9:37 pm

    These are great intentions for the new year! I intend to smile and laugh more and be angry less! I sometimes get upset for the smallest thing and it is frustrating knowing it’s petty and more so, out of my control!!

    Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com

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